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Orange Chronic Bong Cleaner Super Hero 16oz


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Shipping: 2-3 Business Days


Chronic Orange Vaporizer Cleaner is a 16 oz cleaning bottle for all vaporizers and accessories.

  • Safe on all glassware, metals, and plastics
  • Applied directly on your vaporizer and accessories which provides the most potent and effective cleaning within minutes and leaves a refreshing scent.
  • It is very simple to use no tedious scrubbing making this product as one of the best vaporizer cleaning products in the market. 

It's made from all-natural and renewable resources including oranges that provide a refreshing scent of freshness. There is no need for tedious scrubbing, just pour it in and swirl for immediate results.


Packs: 1 pcs or 12 Pc
Product Image
Orange Chronic Bong Cleaner Super Hero 16oz